Monday 29 December 2014


We’ve survived. Christmas is over. Now we only have the New Year to face.

Christmas was a short day for me. It started & ended with All the Christmases” on Radio4 starting at 8am & 9pm.I left the programme midway in the morning. I was somewhat surprised to find when I went to bed & put the bedside radio on, that I rejoined the same programme only slightly overlapping with where I’d left it in the morning.

On Boxing Day we went over to the golf club, where we were told the news of the death of our friend with a brain tumour had reached the golf club on Christmas Day. Needless to say the news had a dampening effect on those who were dining there.

Saturday saw us off to the local shops for fresh bread. On the way back we looked across the Bay. It was fabulous, so still & an icy blue.

So now we come to today. We’re hoping to go food shopping later on. However, the central heating seems to be on strike. I suspect that it has frozen up. The world outside is certainly very white with frost. Even now the thermometer on the shed wall says -10C. The temperature inside the house seems to be slowly going down. I’m consoling myself with the thought that we do at least have a gas fire in the lounge so we can always use that to keep us warm if necessary.

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